Respiratory therapists are specially trained healthcare professionals who work under physician orders to provide a wide range of respiratory procedures and other services to people with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis, lung cancer, and other lung-related conditions.
At Jackson Hospital, our Respiratory Therapy Services provides comprehensive inpatient and outpatient respiratory services for both adults and children, 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Respiratory Therapy Services include diagnostic procedures, therapeutic procedures, and critical care procedures – ranging from emergency/trauma patients, chronic lung disease management, asthma disease management, newborn resuscitation and ventilation management, and adult critical care.
Using state-of-the-art equipment, licensed respiratory therapists provide services with the support of physician specialists who are board certified in pulmonary and critical care medicine. Our range of care includes:
PFT (Pulmonary Function Testing)
What is a PFT?
Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) measure how well your lungs take in air, release it, and transfer oxygen into your blood.
Types of PFTs at Jackson Hospital:
- PFT Screen: Measures airflow without bronchodilator
- PFT Pre and Post: Measures airflow before and after bronchodilator
- PFT Pre and Post with DLCO: Assesses oxygen transfer from lungs to blood
- Diagnose lung conditions (asthma, bronchitis, emphysema)
- Determine cause of shortness of breath
- Assess effects of chemicals, medications, or surgery on lung function
Test Details:
- Performed by a licensed Respiratory Therapist at Jackson Hospital, Respiratory Department
- Duration: 30 minutes
- Bring doctor’s orders and arrive 15 minutes early
- No dietary restrictions
- Avoid respiratory medications 4 hours before the test
During the Exam:
- You breathe into a spirometer, which records air volume and flow
- Tests may involve normal, forced, or deep breathing
- Some tests use a sealed box or gas inhalation to measure lung volume and gas transfer
After the Exam:
- Resume normal activities
- Results available in 24-48 hours
Contact Information:
- Hospital: 850-526-2200
- Cardiology Department: 850-718-2559
EKG/ ECG (Electrocardiogram)
What is an EKG/ECG?
An electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) checks your heart’s electrical activity, displayed as waves on paper.
- Detect heart problems like heart attacks, pericarditis, or angina
- Diagnose symptoms like chest pain, dizziness, or irregular heartbeatsCheck
- heart chamber thickness
- Monitor medication or pacemaker effectiveness
- Assess heart health with conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes
Test Details:
- Performed by a licensed Respiratory Therapist at Jackson Hospital, Respiratory Department
- Duration: 15 minutes
- Bring doctor’s orders and allow time for registration
- No dietary restrictions
- Avoid lotions on chest, abdomen, or legs
During the Exam:
- Electrodes are placed on your chest, arms, and legsStay still and breathe normally during the test
- Results available in 24-48 hours
After the Exam:
- Resume normal activities
- For inquiries, contact the hospital at 850-526-2200 or Respiratory Department at 850-718-2545
ABG (Arterial Bloog Gases)
What is an ABG?
An arterial blood gas (ABG) test measures pH, oxygen, and carbon dioxide levels in the blood to check lung function.
Test Details:
- Performed by a licensed Respiratory Therapist at Jackson Hospital, Respiratory Department
- Duration: 15 minutes
- Bring doctor’s orders and allow time for registration
- No special preparation needed
During the Exam:
- Blood is drawn from an artery (usually in the wrist or elbow)
- A bandage is applied, and firm pressure is held for 5-10 minutes
- Blood is analyzed, and results are sent to your physician
After the Exam:
- Resume normal activities
Contact Information:
- Hospital: 850-526-2200
- Respiratory Department: 850-718-2545
6MWT (6 Minute Walk Test)
What is a 6MWT?
The six-minute walk test (6MWT) measures how far you can walk in six minutes on a flat surface. It helps assess oxygen levels during exertion and determine if oxygen therapy is needed.
Test Details:
- Performed by a licensed Respiratory Therapist at Jackson Hospital, Respiratory Department
- Duration: 30-45 minutes
- Bring doctor’s orders and arrive 15 minutes early
No special dietary restrictions
During the Exam:
- A pulse oximeter monitors oxygen saturation as you walk
- Walk at your own pace, resting as needed
- Oxygen may be administered if levels drop too low
After the Exam:
- Results are sent to your physician
- Resume normal activities
Contact Information:
- Hospital: 850-526-2200
- Respiratory Department: 850-718-2545
Other services include
- Bronchodilator therapy
- Bedside bronchoscopy assisting
- Ventilator maintenance
- Intubation
- BiPAP monitoring
- Neonatal CPAP
- Oxygen Therapy
- Therapist driven protocol
- COPD, pneumonia, and asthma management
Locations and Hours
We are located at Jackson Hospital in the Respiratory Department
- Cardiology: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.—Monday through Friday
- Respiratory: 24/7
For Appointments
Scheduling Department: 850-718-2552
All testing with the exception of EKGs and ABGs require an appointment. Also some private insurances require written prior authorization prior to being performed. A physician’s order is required.
Contact Information
Respiratory: 850-718-2545
Cardiology: 850-718-2559
Hospital (main operator): 850-526-2200