Cases in Jackson County =


Chipola Therapy


Jackson Hospital’s Therapy Services address a wide range of needs: restoring strength after surgery, learning to speak again after stroke, overcoming congenital limitations and compensating for functional loss caused by disease, injury or treatment. Each patient’s individualized therapy program is based on comprehensive evaluation, planning and personalized goals.

True success begins in our hospital or therapy center, but ultimately is measured by how the person functions at home. Our therapists collaborate closely with patients, family members and other caregivers to assure a continuity of care from the hospital or therapy center to the home environment (or to an intermediate care facility, when appropriate).

An individualized home program is an important step in rehabilitation. Our therapists educate patients, family members and caregivers about home care and how to reinforce rehabilitation at home. We also incorporate the family/caregiver’s goals into our overall rehabilitation plan.

Jackson Hospital’s Therapy Team provides a broad spectrum of services for inpatients and outpatients. Rehabilitation typically begins with an evaluation of the individual’s level of functioning and dysfunction. Using that, as well as information from the referring physician, we develop a customized rehabilitation plan. We believe in a comprehensive approach that considers the person’s illness or injury, emotional or social issues, and goals of the patient and their family.

Rehabilitation Services Include:

Contact Us

Office Hours
Monday – Thursday
8:00am – 4:30pm

Hospital (main operator)
(850) 526-2200

Surgery Department
(850) 718-2540

Surgery Waiting Room
(850) 718-3052

(850) 718-2554

Surgery fax
(850) 718-2680/2681