A message from our CEO

Nowhere else but Jackson Hospital can you find true friends and neighbors caring for friends, neighbors and newcomers. We are uniquely positioned geographically as the go-to, accessible healthcare provider for inpatient, outpatient, wellness, therapeutic and interventional services, such as surgery, diagnostic heart services, and state-of-the-art wound healing and hyperbaric medicine.
Our organization has made advancements through our continued growth in facilities and services which puts our care far above others. We pride ourselves on the high quality and customer service scores achieved by doing the right things to care for patients and family members.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services rate Jackson Hospital four stars from patient feedback, and we outperform other hospitals in our area.
We perform surgical procedures in our 9,000-square-foot, state-of-the-are OR addition. Our surgical capabilities extend to all parts of the body, except brains and backs. And our facility is frequently cited by visiting surgeons as their preferred place to practice.
Thank you for choosing Jackson Hospital.
Warm regards,
Brooke Donaldson, CEO