Jackson Hospital promotes a holistic approach to care, encompassing patient and family/centered care. Hospitalization can cause or contribute to stress for both the patient and their family. Most patients and families require assistance or support at different times, in different ways, and from a variety of sources. Support may include assistance with decision making (for medical and non-medical needs), help with transportation, emotional and psychological support, or help to meet their needs at home. This support may be given by immediate family members, friends, relatives, neighbors, co-workers, or clergy. It is our responsibility to help foster this support and help meet those needs.
To provide information and guidelines for hospital visitors. Guidelines for the participation of family and visitors should be flexible in order to respond to the diverse and changing needs and preference of each patient.
A. General Visitation Guidelines:
Open visitation during general visitation hours is encouraged to meet the patient’s medical, comfort, and privacy needs. However, some units may set limitations to the number of visitors allowed at one time for the purpose of providing safe care and privacy for the patients.
General visitation hours are Monday-Friday, 6:00am-8:00pm, and Saturday & Sunday, 8:00am-8:00pm. Changes to regular visitation hours will be posted at the entrance to the facility and on the hospital website.
All visitors arriving outside of general visitation hours must enter through the Emergency Room public entrance. All other access points for the facility will be locked during this time.
Upon entrance, visitors may be asked to provide picture identification and sign in. Visitors will be given a visitor badge that must be worn at all times during the visitation.
Patients may designate one (1) essential caregiver. The essential caregiver will be allowed to visit for a minimum of two (2) hours daily, in addition to other authorized visitation. Essential caregivers are not required to provide patient care.
Families are encouraged to participate in the care and comfort of their loved ones throughout their stay. At times, another patient may require privacy or confidentiality. At those times, family members will be asked to respect the patient’s special needs by stepping out and waiting in the designated area. Efforts will be made to keep the family updated of the length of time the restrictions are likely to be in place.
Visitors under the age of 12 must be supervised by an adult visitor at all times.
Pediatric Patients:
- One parent or responsible adult shall stay with a patient age 12 and under.
- Pediatric patients are placed in private rooms. If a child is in a crib, the bed may be used by the responsible adult. If not, a recliner will be furnished.
- A complimentary guest tray shall be sent to the parent/adult at meal times.
In the Special Care Unit (i.e., intensive care), visitors may be limited to no more than two (2) at a time. Accommodations may be made for additional visitors in special circumstances.
Exceptions to the general visitation guidelines due to certain circumstances will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Visitors who violate visitation guidelines or otherwise exhibit disruptive behavior may be asked to leave the facility.
Questions or concerns regarding visitation should be referred to the Charge Nurse or Director of the unit.
B. Infection Prevention and Isolation Precautions
Visitors may be screened for signs/symptoms of communicable diseases per CDC guidelines prior to entering the facility. However, proof of vaccination or immunization is not required.
For the protection of patients, any visitor with signs/symptoms of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or cold symptoms, or exposure to communicable diseases (e.g., COVID, flu, chicken pox, measles) will be discouraged from visitation.
Visitors may be asked to wear a face covering (procedure mask or cloth mask) while in the facility, except while eating. Exceptions may be given to anyone who has trouble breathing, children under age 2, or anyone who is unconscious, incapacitated or developmentally delayed, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance. Visitors who do not have their own face covering will be provided a facemask.
Visitation may be limited for patients who are on isolation precautions, and those visitors may be instructed to wear protective clothing and equipment per the hospital’s Isolation Policy (e.g., N95 masks, gloves, gowns, goggles, face shields). Education on proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be provided by staff prior to entering the patient’s room.
Generally, no children under the age of 16 will be allowed to visit a patient on isolation precautions, due to limitations with proper fitting on PPE. However, accommodations may be made in special circumstances.
Visitors are encouraged to wash hands often with soap and water, rubbing vigorously, for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing your nose, coughing, sneezing, going to the bathroom, and before eating or preparing food. An alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol may be applied to your hands if soap and water are not readily available. Cover all surfaces of your hands with the sanitizer, rubbing them together until completely dry. If your hands are visibly dirty, it is recommended to use soap and water in lieu of sanitizer. Always avoid touching your face, eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
C. Special Circumstances
In-person visitation will be permitted in all of the following circumstances, unless the patient objects to visitation:
- End-of-life situations;
- Childbirth/labor and delivery;
- Pediatric patients;
- Patient with difficulty adjusting to change in environment (e.g., Alzheimer’s);
- Patient with emotional distress while grieving the loss of a loved one;
- Patient needing encouragement to eat or drink previously provided by a loved one;
- Patient who used to interact and is now seldom speaking.